Wildlife Watch, Wildlife Watching
Watching the wildlife of the arboreal forest along the south-eastern shores of Lake Winnipeg can be quite an experience. While hiking through the wilderness you can watch bears, moose, elk and different types of deers. There are also various smaller animals such as skunks, squirrels,chipmunks, racoons, woodchucks and badgers. Kids really enjoy the spring time and early summer when the different frog species evolve from tadpoles to grown frogs.
Find a comfortable, safe spot, and just sit quietly and observe. Watch how creatures interact with each other and their habitat. You'll be amazed at what nature will reveal!
Come to Canada on a photo safari with its abundant wildlife in some of the most beautiful locations anywhere. Canadian wildlife watching tours are available to view a variety of animals and birds.
Wildlife Watching, Wild Life Watch in Manitoba
Wildlife Watch: A note of caution too though. Wild animals are wild and their behaviour can be unpredictable to the inexperienced. Don't try to get too close to bears, keep away from mother bears with cubs and remember, in Fall moose bulls can be very aggressive and dangerous. Also keep in mind that the skunk is not afraid of anything and will spray you or your dog if it feels threatened. The smell can cause nausia and stick with you for weeks.
No visit is complete without Wild-life Watch
Best Viewing Times
Spring: The latter part of April and first three weeks in May is generally the best time to visit the Narcisse Snake Dens. During this period snakes are preoccupied with mating and are easily approached by visitors. The greatest activity tends to coincide with the disappearance of snow and the first few hot sunny days of spring.
Fall: Garter snakes return to their dens in early September. Once there, they remain active and visible to visitors until cool, wet autumn weather forces them underground. Fall viewing of snakes is best during warm sunny days.
It has become a favourite pastime of Canadian amateur naturalists
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer