Sailing on Lake Winnipeg
Quite a few people enjoy sailing in the protected bay between Hillside Beach and Victoria Beach, either leaving their boat at the marina in the Hillside Beach Lagoon, docking it along the Victoria Beach Pier, or storing it at the Victoria Beach Sailing Club.
During the summer it is quite a sight to watch the regattas that take off from Victoria Beach on Sunday mornings.
Though sailing is fun people new to the lake are often surprised by the sudden changes in weather and lake conditions. The lake can go from total calm to a stormy Beaufort 6 or 7 within an hour.
watch and join regattas
The sailing regattas that take off from Victoria Beach on Sunday mornings are an impressive sight to watch during the summer.
Background of the Sailing Sport
Sailing uses the wind to power the boat's motion. It's not as much by pushing the sail (as is the case when sailing downwind) but by creating forward-pulling lift using airfoil-shaped sails (when sailing across or into the wind). The joy of sailing combines the joy of being on the water, the power you feel in harnessing natural forces, and with the thrill of going fast without significant energy on your part.
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer