Hunting around Lake Winnipeg
The varied geography of Eastern Manitoba offers many hunting opportunities. Waterfowl, especially geese are plentiful. Upland bird hunters have access to ruffed and sharp tailed grouse as well as wild turkey in some areas. There is a large white tailed deer population, black bear and moose occur in specific parts of the region.
For information on seasons, limits and general regulations contact Manitoba Conservation Wildlife Branch or pick up a copy of the Manitoba Hunting Guide at any Conservation Office or issuer of hunting licenses. The Manitoba Lodges & Outfitters Association Inc. represents a broad spectrum of resource-based tourism facilities and services. They offer eco-tourism, hunting, fishing and many other exciting outdoor activities.
Please respect landowners rights. Cooperation with landowners can pay dividends as high concentrations of wildlife can pose significant problems to farmers who are often glad to accommodate responsible hunters.
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer