Lake Hikes, Hiking
Hiking along the shores of Lake Winnipeg has always been attractive. There are numerous scenic and interesting trails in the area, such as the La Verendrye Trail or the Spirit Rock Trail, Wild Wings Trail and Acient Beach Trail. Strap on your backpack and take along a picnick to wander in the steps of the famous explorers and fur traders of Southern Manitoba.
Enjoy the rugged arboreal forest and the wild life of the Canadian Shield in the Grand Beach area and go berry picking for saskatoons, chokecherries, and blueberries.
There are also numerous bird sanctuaries along the coast line for bird watching or birding.

One of my personal favorites is a day trip to Elk Island. Our family has gone there for Blueberry and Huckleberry picking for years. Mushroom picking is also great, for those that know which mushrooms are edible.
My personal favorite mushroom is the Chantarelle (known to Germans as Pfifferling). It cannot be easily confused with other non edible or poisonous types and is great for cooking!
Berry and mushroom picking is also good on the east side of Hwy 59 before the turnoff to Belair, just past the Grand Beach.
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer