Skidoing along Lake Winnipeg Manitoba
Snowmobiling Skidooing Sledders Snowmobilesa favorit winter past-time
The Beaches Area is a great winter destination for snowmobilers "great trails".
Come to the Beaches in the wintertime and enjoy one of the most Canadian of winter activities.
Look for opportunities to ride in different areas this winter and enjoy a great tour. Snowmobilers are using more of their winter vacation time to ride when they make Manitoba their snow-mobiling destination.
The Eastern beach Area has the nicest Trails in manitoba.
Manitoba is known during the winter for one thing: "its snow". In fact, there is a lot of it. And when people are staring in frustration at their snow-covered sidewalks there are always the sledders who look forward to it. In Manitoba, there is a lot of the white stuff and there are a lot of lakes, which means plenty of opportunities for a memorable snowmobiling experience.
Make sure you stop at the Idle Thyme Restaurant at Traverse Bay Corner for a break!

Click here to see some pictures of snowmobiling in the Eastern Beaches Area of Manitoba in the Winter.
Or watch the movie on the next page.
Early snowmobiles used rubber tracks, however a modern snowmobile will have a track made of a kevlar composite. They are designed to be operated on snow and ice, and require no road or trail. Most snowmobiles are typically powered by two-stroke gasoline/petrol internal combustion engines. Four-stroke engines are becoming more and more popular in snowmobiles.
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer