Breast Augmentation
A breast augmentation (breastaugmentation, mammaaugmentation) is recommended for improving the aesthetic body contour of the patient. A breast enlargement (breast augmentation) often brings a long term improvement of the womans self esteem and an added individual contentment and well-being.
After the objective of the operation has been determined in advance there should be no doubts concerning the goal of the procedure. Should this not be the case a further consultation with our experts should be undergone.
It is important to schedule the surgery (for the breast augmentation) with the direct consequences and the post operational treatment in mind. During the 4th week after the procedure a sport brassiere should be worn that supports the whole breast, but does not push it up - as a "push-up bra" would. Otherwise this could make dislodging the implant possible.
In the first days after the surgery (breast augmentation) a feeling of tightness can be expected that may be hindersome during daily tasks. Sports should not be picked up again untill after 2 to 3 weeks.
The Surgery
Before the surgery (breast augmentation), the implant is outlined on the skin while the patient is standing and the position of the implants are defined. The operation itself will last between 2 to 3 hours usually with a total anaesthetic in the presence of an anaesthetist.
For a breast enlargement (breast augmentation) a small incision is made directly in the crease under the breast from where the breast muscle can be reached easily.
Seldom during this operation bleeding occurs -in case it does it can easily be stopped. This is an essential condition for an uncomplicated course of the operation. The implant could also be inserted through incisions in the nipple or under the armpit.
A breast augmentation is recommended to improve the esthetic body contours of the patient.
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Author: Fredrick Buetefuer