Liposuction Information
Liposuction makes it possible to remove bothersome fat deposits from almost any area of the body, even from difficult parts that have resisted all diets.
By using very fine syringes the body can be shaped with great precision. Only a few minor cuts are necessary which will be hardly visible later.
In the 70s the Swiss sureon Ulrich Kesselring, the Italian surgeon Giorgio Fischer and the French surgeon Yves Fournier first introduced liposuction. In the following years the method was accepted world wide thanks to its great advantages and now it is the most performed aesthetic plastic surgery procedure.
Liposuction was further developed by the so called tumescent technique by Klein which reduced blood loss considerably as well as the surface suction with very fine syringes by Gasparotti. Because precise correction of the fat layers was thus made possible, the modern techniques of liposuction may be called body-sculpturing.
Is Liposuction a proper treatment for everyone?
The quality of the skin is the decisive factor for the success of liposuction. The juvenile elastic skin will tighten easily and show an even surface. With advanced age or very thin skin the surgical removal of excessive and sagging skin may be necessary.
Liposuction is not ideal to treat overweight. If fat deposits are due to hypercaloric nutrition or enyzme defects these malconditions first have to be adressed.
The History of Liposuction
The idea to simply suck away bothering fat at various areas of the body was born in the 70s by the Swiss doctor Ulrich Kesselring, the Italian Giorgio Fischer and the Frenchmen Yves Illouze and Pierre Foumier.
From today’s standpoint this method was rather agressive because at least half of the suctioned tissue consisted of blood. Bruises and unevenness of the surface skin were oftentimes the result and after the operation considerable pain was experienced.Decisive for he final success of liposuction however were various developments which improved the method and made it more gentle and efficient.
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Author: Fredrick Buetefuer