Kitesurfing, Kite-boarding as soon as the ice is off
Kiteboarding or kitesurfing is one of the newest recreational attractions in the Beaches Area of Lake Winnipeg. It is a combination of surfing and flying your kite. This sport is perfect for Manitoba's open waters and frequent winds.
Though a few die hard kite-boarders will start right in the spring, as soon as the ice is off the lake(some might not even wait that long), summers are great with the famous Manitoba warm winds and waters.
The hard core Kiters now meet at the Sandbar, as the owner Tyler is one of the province's hard core riders, and his family has been involved in all aspects of sailing in this province for over 40 years. The Sandbar has a live weather station to let every one know where the best places to ride are. After a good hard day of riding they usually go to Tyler's house for beers & BBQ, and great fires. He also allows Kiters to camp there, at no cost.
In the eyes of Manitoba's Kiters Tyler does a lot to promote the sport of Kite Boarding (Kitesurfing) and promotes and takes care of all fellow kiters. He also takes care to ensure all rules are followed to allow great growth to the Kiting sport within the Grand Beach Region.
Author: Fredrick Buetefuer