About the Eastern BeachesLake Winnipeg in Canada drains northward into the Nelson River at an average annual rate of 2066 m³/s, and forms part of the Hudson Bay watershed which is one of the largest in the world. This watershed area was historically known as Rupert's Land when the Hudson Bay Co [...]more...Lake WinnipegThe image of Lake Winnipeg dominates Manitoba's map - in the top twenty of the world's lakes by size, with an area of 24,500 sq. kilometres and 425 kilometres long, it is relatively shallow with an average depth of 62 metres. T [...]more...The Beachesmore...Towns Near ByA list of towns in the vicinity of the Eastern Shore of Lake Winnipeg - Pine Falls, Powerview, Fort Alexander, Stead, Libau, Selkirkmore...Recreationmore...Businesses and ServicesBusinesses and services provided for vactioners, cottagers and residents of the Eastern Beaches Area of Lake Winnipeg Manitoba.Such as: Gas, Diesel, Groceries, Dentists, Hotels, Restaurants, Lumber, Lawn Care, Lottery, Pet [...]more...Historymore...Classified Adsmore...Restaurantsmore...Catering Servicesmore...Recipesmore...Picturesmore...Guided Toursmore...The City of Winnipegmore...Province of Manitobamore...Businesses Manitobamore...Kanada Info (German)Kanada, der Traum vieler Urlauber und Auswanderer in der letzten Zeit. Kanada wird immer beliebter für ein unvergessliches Urlaubsziel.Ob nun im Winter oder im Sommer, das Land hat seinen eigenen Charakter und sein Flair.Das Wetter in Manitoba zum Beispiel i [...]more...